Top 15 and a few Free Quantum App Development Software

Free Quantum app development software involves creating applications that harness the unique properties of quantum computers, such as superposition and entanglement, to solve problems that are intractable for traditional computers. These applications can potentially revolutionize fields like materials science, drug discovery, financial modeling, and artificial intelligence.

Free quantum app development software

Here are some free quantum app development software options:


Developed by IBM, Qiskit is an open-source quantum computing framework for Python. It provides developers with a wide range of libraries, APIs, and other valuable resources for quantum software and application development. Qiskit can be used to simulate, develop, and run quantum algorithms on IBM Quantum’s real quantum hardware.

Microsoft Quantum Development Kit

Developed by Microsoft, the Quantum Development Kit (QDK) is a suite of tools and frameworks for quantum app development based on the Q# programming language. Q# allows app developers to write, simulate, and deploy quantum algorithms seamlessly. The QDK also includes tools for debugging and profiling quantum programs.


Developed by Google, Cirq is a Python-based quantum computing framework. It allows developers to write, simulate, and optimize quantum algorithms. Cirq also includes tools for working with quantum circuits and for interacting with quantum hardware.

TensorFlow Quantum

Developed by Google, TensorFlow Quantum is an open-source library for building and running quantum machine learning models. It integrates with the TensorFlow framework, which allows developers to leverage existing machine learning tools and infrastructure for quantum applications.


aQuantum is a platform for the development and lifecycle of quantum algorithms. It provides a free Developer subscription that includes access to quantum simulators, as well as the ability to develop and deploy quantum algorithms on a variety of platforms.

These are just a few of the many free quantum app development software options available. The best option for you will depend on your specific needs and experience level.

Benefits and Applications of free Quantum app development software


  • Unprecedented Problem-Solving: Tackle complex problems that are intractable for traditional computers, such as drug discovery, materials science, financial modeling, and artificial intelligence.
  • Faster Optimization: Achieve faster optimization results in logistics, resource allocation, and machine learning.
  • Enhanced Simulation: Perform more accurate and efficient simulations of complex systems like molecules, financial markets, and weather patterns.
  • Improved Machine Learning: Develop more powerful and efficient machine learning algorithms with quantum-inspired techniques.
  • Breakthrough Discoveries: Enable scientific breakthroughs in fields like quantum chemistry, materials science, and high-energy physics.


  • Drug Discovery: Simulate molecules more accurately to accelerate drug discovery and design.
  • Materials Science: Design new materials with desired energy, aerospace, and electronics properties.
  • Financial Modeling: Develop more accurate and robust financial models for risk management and investment strategies.
  • Cryptography: Break existing encryption methods and develop new, more secure ones for the quantum age.
  • Logistics and Optimization: Optimize transportation routes, resource allocation, and supply chains for increased efficiency.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Enhance machine learning algorithms for tasks like image recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous systems.
  • Provide specific examples of how quantum app development can benefit these areas.
  • Discuss the potential challenges and limitations of quantum app development.
  • Explain the current state of development and future potential of quantum applications.

Top 15 quantum app development software (Paid)

The development environment for quantum apps is evolving rapidly. While true “free software” for directly deploying complex quantum apps on real hardware might not be readily available, numerous platforms offer valuable tools and resources for learning, experimentation, and building prototypes:

  1. IBM Quantum Experience:

    • Explore and run quantum circuits on real IBM quantum hardware with limited qubits (5 and 15).
    • Use Qiskit, an open-source quantum programming framework, for development.
    • Get hands-on experience with quantum algorithms and concepts.
  2. Microsoft Azure Quantum:

    • Access Q# programming language and quantum simulators.
    • Experiment with IonQ’s trapped-ion quantum hardware through limited-tier accounts.
    • Explore diverse quantum concepts and tools.
  3. Amazon Bracket:

    • Integrate various quantum simulators and hardware backends from multiple providers.
    • Leverage Amazon’s cloud infrastructure for quantum development.
    • Experiment with different quantum technologies and tools.
  4. Google Quantum AI:

    • Access Cirq, an open-source quantum software library.
    • Explore quantum concepts and algorithms through tutorials and documentation.
    • Stay informed about ongoing research and development efforts.
  5. Rigetti Computing Forest:

    • Experiment with quantum circuits on Rigetti’s superconducting quantum processors (free tier limitations apply).
    • Use Quil, a high-level quantum programming language.
    • Explore hardware-specific development and optimization techniques.
  6. QuTech Delft Superconducting Processor:

    • Access a 2-qubit superconducting processor for educational purposes.
    • Interact with the processor through a web interface.
    • Gain foundational knowledge of quantum hardware control.
  7. QC Ware:

    • Utilize quantum-inspired optimization algorithms for specific problems.
    • Access cloud-based quantum simulation capabilities.
    • Explore applications in drug discovery, materials science, and finance.
  8. Xanadu PennyLane:

    • Develop quantum circuits with a user-friendly Python library.
    • Leverage automatic differentiation for gradient-based optimization.
    • Explore applications in machine learning and quantum chemistry.
  9. ORCA Open-Source Quantum Software Stack:

    • Work with a collection of libraries for quantum algorithm development, simulation, and optimization.
    • Explore different aspects of the quantum software stack.
    • Contribute to open-source quantum software development.
  10. Quantum Inspire:

  • Create and run quantum circuits in a web-based platform.
  • Learn quantum concepts through interactive tutorials and visualizations.
  • Get started with quantum programming without prior knowledge.
  1. ProjectQ:

  • Use an open-source Python library for quantum circuit development and simulation.
  • Explore different quantum architectures and algorithms.
  • Contribute to quantum software development with a supportive community.
  1. Cirq (mentioned earlier):

  • Open-source Python library for developing and experimenting with quantum circuits.
  • Offers tools for simulation, optimization, and hardware integration.
  • Widely used in the quantum community.
  1. TensorFlow Quantum:

  • Bridge the gap between classical and quantum machine learning.
  • Develop hybrid quantum-classical algorithms for various tasks.
  • Explore quantum machine learning concepts and libraries.
  1. PennyLane (mentioned earlier):

  • Open-source Python library for differentiable quantum programming.
  • Optimize quantum circuits using classical machine learning techniques.
  • Explore advanced quantum machine learning applications.
  1. OpenFermion:

  • Develop algorithms and applications for quantum chemistry simulations.
  • Leverage open-source tools for electronic structure calculations.
  • Contribute to the advancement of quantum simulations in chemistry.

A Comparison of the Finest Services for Developing Quantum Apps

ResourceAccess to HardwareKey FeaturesLearning FocusSuitability
IBM Quantum ExperienceLimited (5 & 15 qubits)Real hardware, Qiskit framework, tutorialsBeginner-friendly, hands-on experienceLearning, prototyping
Microsoft Azure QuantumLimited (IonQ hardware)Q# language, simulators, diverse toolsModerate learning curve, broader explorationLearning, research, specific applications
Amazon BracketMultiple providers, simulatorsCloud infrastructure, flexible access, various toolsAdvanced users, integration with existing workflowsResearch, specific applications, development
Google Quantum AINone (yet)Open-source Cirq library, research & documentationAdvanced users, research-oriented contentResearch, contributing to development
Rigetti Computing ForestLimited (superconducting QPU)Quil language, hardware optimization featuresIntermediate users, specific applications requiring hardware accessExperimentation, developing for Rigetti hardware
QuTech Delft Superconducting Processor2 qubitsWeb interface, educational focusBeginners, a basic understanding of quantum conceptsLearning, introductory experimentation
QC WareNoneOptimization algorithms, specific applicationsAdvanced users, specific problem domainsResearch, solving specific problems
Xanadu PennyLaneNoneUser-friendly Python library, gradient-based optimizationIntermediate users, machine learning & quantum chemistryResearch, hybrid quantum-classical algorithms
ORCA Open-Source Quantum Software StackSimulators, tools for various aspectsVersatile collection of libraries, active communityAdvanced users, contributing to open-source developmentResearch, development of specific tools
Quantum InspireSimulatorsWeb-based platform, interactive tutorialsBeginners, visual learning & basic experimentsLearning, initial exploration
ProjectQSimulatorsPython library, diverse architecturesIntermediate users, open-source developmentResearch, development of specific algorithms
Cirq & TensorFlow QuantumSimulatorsAdvanced tools for specific use casesAdvanced users, research focusResearch, developing hybrid algorithms



The future of free quantum app development software holds immense potential for revolutionizing various industries and tackling complex challenges. As you delve deeper into this exciting field, remember to keep the spirit of curiosity, collaboration, and open-mindedness alive. Together, we can unlock the boundless possibilities of the quantum world.

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