What Software tool can you use to see the applications that are currently running

Windows Task Manager stands as the best solution for real-time system performance. This integral utility offers comprehensive insights into active applications, enabling precise resource utilization monitoring. With its intuitive interface, users gain the ability to terminate tasks seamlessly, ensuring optimal system performance.

How to Monitor Running Applications by Using Software Tools

Let’s discuss how to monitor running applications with useful software tools:

Using Built-in Operating System Tools

Most operating systems come with basic tools to monitor running applications. These tools provide a quick overview of resource usage and application status.

1. Windows Task Manager:

Windows Task Manager is a built-in utility in the Microsoft Windows operating system that provides information about the processes and programs running on a computer, as well as the overall system performance.

How to Use Windows Task Manager:

To open Task Manager, you can right-click on the taskbar and select “Task Manager” or press Ctrl + Shift + Esc. In Task Manager, you can view running processes, performance metrics, startup programs, and more. You can also end processes or applications that are not responding.

2. macOS Activity Monitor

macOS Activity Monitor is a system utility included with macOS that provides information about processes, memory usage, disk activity, and energy usage on a Mac computer.

How to Use macOS Activity Monitor:

You can find Activity Monitor in the “Utilities” folder within the “Applications” folder, or by using Spotlight search. Once opened, you can view CPU, memory, energy, disk, and network usage, as well as individual process details. You can also force quit processes from Activity Monitor.

3. Terminal Commands for Linux

Terminal Commands for Linux refer to the various command-line tools and utilities available in Linux distributions for system management, configuration, and troubleshooting.

How to Use Terminal Commands for Linux:

Users can open a terminal emulator and input various commands to perform tasks such as managing files, processes, users, networking, package management, and more. Examples include commands like ls for listing files, ps for displaying processes, grep for searching text, and sudo for executing commands with administrative privileges.

System Monitoring Third-Party Tools

4. Process Explorer (Windows)

Process Explorer is a system monitoring utility for Microsoft Windows developed by Sysinternals. It provides more detailed information about processes, DLLs, handles, and more compared to the default Task Manager.

How to Use Process Explorer (Windows):

After downloading and running Process Explorer, users can explore detailed information about running processes, including CPU, memory, disk, and network usage. It allows users to identify resource-intensive processes, manage running applications, and troubleshoot system issues more effectively than Task Manager.

5. Htop (Linux)

Htop is an interactive system-monitor process viewer for Unix-like operating systems, particularly Linux. It provides a customizable and user-friendly interface for monitoring system resources and processes.

How to Use Htop (Linux):

Htop can be launched from the terminal by simply typing htop and pressing Enter. Once running, users can navigate through processes using keyboard shortcuts, view resource usage in real-time, manage processes, and customize the display settings for better analysis of system performance.

Mobile Device Application Management

Mobile Device Application Management (MAM) is a technology used by organizations to manage and secure applications on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. It focuses on the applications themselves, rather than the entire device. It allows for a more targeted approach to security in a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) environment.

6. iOS and Android Built-in Options for Device Management


iOS Settings AppAndroid Settings App
The central hub for device managementSimilar to iOS, it serves as the central location for managing Android devices
General: Control accessibility features, software updates, language settings, and more.Wi-Fi & Network: Manage Wi-Fi networks, passwords, Bluetooth connections, and data usage.
Display & Brightness: Adjust screen brightness, wallpaper, and accessibility features related to vision.Sound & vibration: Adjust ringtones, notification sounds, and vibration settings.
Face ID & Passcode: Set up Face ID or Touch ID for secure unlocking and manage passcode options.Security: Set up a screen lock (PIN, pattern, fingerprint), manage app permissions, and find my device features.
Privacy: Control app permissions for data access like location, camera, and microphone.Accounts: Manage your Google account and other synced accounts.
Battery: View battery usage statistics and manage power-saving features.Apps & notifications: View installed apps, manage app permissions, and set notification preferences.
Sound & Haptics: Adjust ringtones, notification sounds, and vibration settings.Battery: View battery usage statistics and manage power-saving features.
Wi-Fi: Manage Wi-Fi networks, passwords, and connection preferences.Storage: View storage usage and manage files and apps.
Bluetooth: Connect and manage Bluetooth devices.Google Services: Manage various Google services like location, Assistant, and payments.

Important Tips Best Practices for Monitoring Applications Currently Running

Define Your Monitoring Goals

Establish clear performance objectives aligned with your business needs. Define measurable goals such as response times, error rates, or resource utilization to guide your monitoring strategy effectively.

Select Relevant Metrics

Avoid data overload by identifying key metrics that align with your monitoring goals. Focus on essential indicators like CPU usage, error rates, response times, request rates, and user experience data to track the performance of your application accurately.

Prioritize User Experience

Recognize the direct impact of application performance on user satisfaction. Incorporate real user experience data and feedback alongside technical metrics to gain a comprehensive understanding of your application’s performance.

Embrace Automation

Enhance efficiency by automating tasks such as alerts and issue remediation. Implement automated alerts to notify teams promptly about potential issues, enabling them to intervene swiftly and effectively.

Continuously Improve

View monitoring as a dynamic process that requires regular review and adaptation. Continually update your monitoring configurations to meet evolving business needs and user expectations effectively.

Tool Consolidation

Avoid tool sprawl by opting for a comprehensive monitoring solution. Choose a platform capable of collecting data from across your application environment and providing valuable insights in a unified manner.

(09) Essential Software Tools for Monitoring Running Applications

1. Datadog

Datadog is a leading cloud-based monitoring platform. It is renowned for its real-time monitoring and analytics capabilities across cloud infrastructure, applications, and logs. It offers a comprehensive suite of features tailored to meet the evolving needs of modern businesses.


  • Founded year: 2010
  • Headquarters: New York City, USA
  • Core Products: Cloud-based monitoring platform

Key Features:

  • Real-time monitoring and analytics for cloud infrastructure, applications, and logs.
  • Server monitoring, application performance monitoring (APM), log management, and synthetic monitoring.
  • Customizable dashboards and alerts to keep teams informed of performance issues.
  • Seamless integration with popular cloud platforms and services.
  • Scalable architecture to support businesses of all sizes.

2. New Relic

New Relic stands out as an end-to-end APM solution. It provides real-time monitoring, alerting, and analytics across applications, servers, and infrastructure. It empowers developers to optimize application health and enhance user experience through insightful performance metrics.


  • Founded year: 2008
  • Headquarters: San Francisco, USA
  • Core Products: End-to-end APM solution

Key Features:

  • Real-time monitoring, alerting, and analytics for applications, servers, and infrastructure.
  • Performance bottleneck identification and troubleshooting capabilities.
  • User-friendly interface for seamless navigation and data visualization.
  • Actionable insights to improve application performance and reliability.
  • Continuous updates and feature enhancements to meet evolving industry standards.

3. Dynatrace

Dynatrace leverages AI-powered capabilities to deliver automatic application performance monitoring. This is able for deep code-level insights, and user behavior analytics. It excels in rapidly identifying and resolving performance issues. It ensures seamless user experiences across diverse digital environments.


  • Founded year: 2005
  • Headquarters: Linz, Austria
  • Core Products: AI-powered APM platform

Key Features:

  • AI-powered application performance monitoring for quick issue resolution.
  • Deep code-level insights and user behavior analytics for comprehensive visibility.
  • Automated anomaly detection and root cause analysis.
  • Seamless integration with DevOps toolchains for streamlined workflows.
  • Proactive performance optimization to enhance business outcomes.

4. AppDynamics

AppDynamics offers a comprehensive APM solution designed to provide deep visibility into application performance, user behavior, and business metrics. It enables businesses to optimize application performance, enhance user experience, and drive cost efficiencies through data-driven insights.


  • Founded year: 2008
  • Headquarters: San Francisco, USA
  • Core Products: Comprehensive APM solution

Key Features:

  • Deep visibility into application performance, user behavior, and business metrics.
  • Advanced analytics for proactive performance optimization.
  • Business impact analysis to align IT efforts with organizational goals.
  • Automated root cause analysis for rapid issue resolution.
  • Scalable architecture to support dynamic and complex IT environments.

5. Site24x7 (Product of Zoho Corporation)

Site24x7 is a cloud-based APM platform offering real-time monitoring of applications, servers, websites, and infrastructure. With its comprehensive suite of features including performance monitoring, alerting, and reporting, Site24x7 ensures businesses stay ahead of potential issues and maintain optimal performance.


  • Founded year: 2002
  • Headquarters: Chennai, India
  • Core Products: Cloud-based IT monitoring platform

Key Features:

  • Real-time monitoring of applications, servers, websites, and infrastructure.
  • Performance monitoring, alerting, and reporting for proactive issue resolution.
  • Synthetic monitoring to simulate user interactions and detect performance bottlenecks.
  • Multi-channel alerting to notify stakeholders through various communication channels.
  • Customizable dashboards for personalized performance insights.

6. SolarWinds Server and Application Monitor (SAM)

SolarWinds SAM is a comprehensive monitoring solution offering real-time monitoring of servers, applications, and network devices. It empowers businesses to identify and troubleshoot performance issues swiftly, ensuring uptime and improving overall IT efficiency.


  • Founded year: 1998
  • Headquarters: Austin, USA
  • Core Products: Server and application monitoring solution

Key Features:

  • Real-time monitoring of servers, applications, and network devices.
  • Performance troubleshooting and root cause analysis.
  • Automated alerting and remediation to minimize downtime.
  • Scalable architecture to support growing infrastructure demands.
  • Integration with other SolarWinds products for holistic IT management.

7. Elastic Stack (ELK Stack)

Elastic Stack, also known as ELK Stack, is a free and open-source platform renowned for log management, search, and analytics. It enables businesses to collect, store, and analyze logs from applications, servers, and network devices, empowering them with actionable insights to enhance operational efficiency.


  • Founded year: 2012 (Elasticsearch)
  • Headquarters: Mountain View, USA
  • Core Products: Log management and analytics platform

Key Features:

  • Log management, search, and analytics for applications, servers, and network devices.
  • Scalable and flexible architecture to accommodate diverse data volumes.
  • Powerful search capabilities to retrieve relevant log data quickly.
  • Visualization tools for data exploration and analysis.
  • Community-driven support and continuous development.

8. Prometheus

Prometheus is an open-source monitoring system. It has specialized in collecting metrics from applications, systems, and services. It enables businesses to alert on critical events, visualize data, and troubleshoot performance issues effectively. Prometheus fosters a proactive approach to system monitoring.


  • Founded year: 2012
  • Headquarters: Berlin, Germany (Initially developed by SoundCloud)
  • Core Products: Open-source monitoring system

Key Features:

  • Collection of metrics from applications, systems, and services.
  • Alerting functionality to notify stakeholders of critical events.
  • Data visualization tools for intuitive performance analysis.
  • Flexible querying language for customized data retrieval.
  • Extensive ecosystem of integrations and community-driven support.

9. Grafana

Grafana is an open-source platform renowned for creating visualizations of time series data. It empowers businesses to visualize data from various monitoring tools, including Prometheus, ELK Stack, and others, fostering a cohesive and insightful approach to performance monitoring.


  • Founded year: 2014 (Grafana Labs)
  • Headquarters: New York City, USA
  • Core Products: Open-source visualization platform

Key Features:

  • Creation of visualizations for time series data.
  • Compatibility with various monitoring tools and data sources.
  • Customizable dashboards for personalized performance insights.
  • Collaboration features for sharing insights across teams.
  • Extensive plugin ecosystem for expanding functionality.


Now, we have covered everything about the query “monitoring running applications” in complete detail. We have discussed the complete process of monitoring running applications. Learn about best practices by which you can monitor applications and at the end we know the top 9 essential software tools for running applications. Thanks For Reading.


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